Metrics.Me – Google Analytics Alternatives

Google Analytics slows down your website.

Many website owners suppose it’s an absolute necessity to use Google Analytics. We recommend something more esoteric. Google Analytics slows down your website by 300 milliseconds on every page and post. There are faster alternatives.

This ebook has three sections:

Section 1: Google Analytics causes your site to fail two-speed tests. Google Analytics is now the most widely used web analytics service on the Internet. But few know how to use it or interpret it’s mysterious data. It seems complicated. We explain simple free plugin methods to speed up your site.

Section 2: HotJar adds 500 milliseconds to your page load time – globally. THAT move blows 25 percent of the entire performance budget. You want to reconsider activating that plugin and API? HotJar does user recording to improve user experience (UX). Here’s the speed story and a simple repair for speed improvement.

Data Overload

Section 3: Use faster-and-simpler plugin analytics for speed — instead of slow-and-complicated Google Analytics. We don’t want more gobbledygook big data. We want fewer data. If you care more about user experience than data mining, use this plugin solution instead.

Don’t hesitate using free solutions. Don’t get locked in for recurring *annual renewal* plugin memberships. Save your money.

Metrics.Me ebook contains honest and common-sense reporting and tips about mobile WordPress speed!

Our ebook-only guides are essential page-speed fundamentals, speed techniques, or deep obsessions on a single aspect of WordPress themes. Whatever the report, you’re only a quick read away from learning vital, practical know-how for faster mobile speed. You learn alternatives for better speed.

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Our “Metric.Mereport is 6,489 words.
PDF: 71 pages, 8.5×11 inch, 3.7MB.




  • Pros and Cons of Google Analytics.
  • The affect of Google Analytics on speed.
  • The dangers of slow metric-gathering loads – and speed alternatives.
  • Our surprise at the speed results.
  • Actual before-and-after speed results using cheap, shared hosting.
  • Our report about the out-of-box-experience.
  • Why we think this is a great speed solution.

About the Author

Steve Teare
Steve Teare, Performance Engineer

Steve Teare researches WordPress speed techniques and methods. Steve’s most valued superpower is creativity.

Site owners need education. Not how to make nice-looking sites. But how not to abuse and ruin WordPress – and thus the Internet itself. Steve’s mission: save the Internet from the approaching WordPress Apocalypse!

Steve’s passion is balancing the perception of speed with color and images. Building for speed stops mobile website abuse. Performance is not just an afterthought, bake it in from the start.


Speed-mastery reports for WordPress power users.

Get speed tips and instructions. You’re buying our knowledge and expertise. Links to resources are included for your convenience and backup. All open-source downloads are the property of their original authors and protected by GPL licenses. They are endorsed and available from the WordPress plugin directory. We don’t provide support. But we do answer email speed questions for 30 days after purchase.


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