Get the popular Hummingbird plugin features – without paying $294 annual *rent*.
Inspired by the popular plugin Hummingbird.
Hummingbird plugin adds 30.1 milliseconds of global site drag. Every page and post of your site slows down. You can get the same website optimization functions for free with standalone plugins – and produce even better results.
Hummingbird has a rental fee. Don’t get locked in for recurring *annual renewal* plugins. Save your money.
The FLY.ME ebook contains honest and common-sense free alternatives to the premium Hummingbird plugin. Get mobile WordPress speed!
What are Speed Alterantives?
PagePipe Speed Alterrantives are ebook-only guides to essential page-speed fundamentals, speed techniques, or deep obsessions on a single aspect of WordPress plugins. Whatever the report, you’re only a quick read away from learning vital, practical know-how for faster mobile speed. Popular plugins are usually the heaviest loading. You get alternatives for better speed.
PayPal is a secure SSL-encrypted payment.
Our “FLY.ME” report is 1,154 words.
PDF: 8 pages, 8.5×11 inch, 717k.
FLY.ME $995
- Hummingbird full-feature plugin is expensive. You can save hundreds of dollars.
- Easily add all Hummingbird features to your website with just six free, WordPress-archived plugins.
- Features for page speed include: Minification, Caching, Remove Render Blocking Resources, Enable Gzip File Compression, Automated Image Compression, and Uptime Monitoring. And now, image lazy loading.
- Non-premium, open-source, free plugin alternatives to “rental” plugins are a cost-cutting factor.
About the Author
Steve Teare researches WordPress plugin speed techniques and methods. Steve’s most valued super-power is creativity.
Site owners need education. Not how to make nice-looking sites. But how not to abuse and ruin WordPress – and thus the Internet itself. Steve’s mission: save the Internet from the approaching WordPress Apocalypse!
Steve’s passion is balancing the perception of speed with color and images. Building for speed stops mobile website abuse. Performance is not just an afterthought, bake it in from the start.
Speed Alternatives
Speed-mastery for WordPress power users.
Twin Θ Replica Θ Knockoff Θ Imitation Θ Duplicate Θ Copy Θ Identical Θ Lookalike
We reverse-engineer premium and popular plugins. We discover ways to duplicate their main features. We use a blend of discrete, free, copycat plugins. These lightweight – sometimes esoteric – alternatives won’t slow down your website.
Get speed tips and instructions. You’re buying our knowledge and expertise. Links to plugins are included for your convenience and backup. All open-source plugin downloads are the property of their original authors and protected by GPL licenses. They are endorsed and available from the WordPress plugin directory. We don’t provide plugins or support. But we do answer email speed questions for 30 days after purchase.
“Thanks to your e-book issue #2, FLY.ME, I made my WordPress site even faster than using Hummingbird Pro. That’s why I’m canceling my Hummingbird Pro membership.” – Abdullah Albayrak, Frankfurt, Germany
Build with Empathy
WordPress Mobile Speed
Plugin Surgery ★ PagePipe