Toxic WordPress: How the most popular plugins and ideas waste your time – and hurt web speed.
Get under 2-second load time on cheap, shared magnetic hosting.
No CDN cheating.
And still use dozens of free plugins!
WordPress Mobile Speed
Plugin Surgery ★ PagePipe
Includes important tips for mobile speed without coding.
If you search the phrase “Essential WordPress Plugins,” you’ll get about 1.8 million results. They all tend to regurgitate suggestions for the same old plugins and ideas. Copycat content. No wonder the identical plugins keep getting more installs. Even when better alternatives exist.
Sorting and testing all the new plugins is too much work. So people don’t test. They assume. The assumption is “popularity” is good. For plugins, that is usually decided by looking at the number of active installs. Active installs is not a sign of quality or performance. It’s a standard of herd mentality.
Herd mentality, or mob mentality, describes how people are influenced by their peers to adopt certain behaviors. Examples of the herd mentality include nationalism, stock market trends, superstition, and home décor. —Wikipedia
To Engineer is Human by Henry Petroski is a book about engineering failures. The main takeaway from the book is still applicable – and maybe even more so today: When technology or ideas are changing rapidly, there is never the opportunity to build a history or library of experience. This increases errors. Experience is what prevents accidents and disasters.
To make a fast decision, it’s easiest to select from the most popular plugins – and consider that good enough. There are over 58,000 free plugins in the repository. And this doesn’t count any of the plugins available on GitHub where authors refused to go through the WordPress red-tape of acceptance.
New upgraded versions of WordPress come out multiple times each year. And new plugins are being introduced at a breakneck pace. In 2013, 15,000+ plugins were in the WordPress plugin directory. In 2014, there were 29,000+ plugins in the repository. By 2015, the number was 35,000+. By 2016, over 46,000+ free plugins. And today, over 58,000 plugins. It’s difficult to stay on top of that rapid rate of change. It’s staggering.
You can choose any plugin from the TOP100 and from our experience it will be the slowest and most bloated plugin in its class. For example:
- #1 Akismet: 5 million active.
- #2 Contact Form 7: 5 million active.
- #3 Yoast SEO: 5 million active.
- #5 Jetpack: 5 million active.
These are all heavy plugins and either directly or indirectly affect load time. We see these plugins installed on most slow sites.
Plugin popularity is rarely an indicator of good value. People assume they must be good. At one time, they were either the-only-game-in-town or repaired or compensated for WordPress deficiencies that later became solved with new WordPress versions. So even though the need for “repair” was gone or obsolete, the herd kept installing out of habit and myth. It became de-facto standard best practice.
Many recommended “essential” plugins have negative speed repercussions.
Our rule of thumb is: the more popular a plugin is (active installs), the higher the probability it’s a slow loading plugin. Why? We don’t know exactly why this correlates. But it holds up in our speed testing.
It’s the quality – not quantity – of plugins that slow down a site. Speed testing free plugins and themes are our specialty. Millions of herd-mentality WordPress plugins slow down the Internet, waste web resources, – and use up your precious time. (our blog) has 55 active free plugins. It loads in under a half second in the USA and about 1.2 seconds for Europe ( It can vary. That is using cheap, shared hosting. No CDN. We share our server with other domains. Why? We want to prove a point: You can use “speed strategy” rather than throwing money at load-time problems.
Our Mantra is avoid popular plugins. High number active installs mean they’re the slowest.
We don’t know why “popular equals bloated.” We speculate the plugin authors are content and apathetic to speed and quality. Popular plugins existed first and use old unoptimized coding techniques (obsolescence). They tend to get heavier with revisions instead of lighter (kludges).
The authors of old plugins don’t have a competitive motivation to be lean for speed. This isn’t true for newer, less-installed, lighter plugins. Speed (load time) is now a desired feature we’re seeing more because of mobile devices. But fresh, fast plugins are not easy to find. There are over 55,000 plugins in the free directory. Wow! An ocean.
Slow plugin’s download file size is a clue. Bigger files load slower. There are some exceptions – but they are few.
In our new ebook, Toxic WordPress, we present typical time-wasting herd plugins and ideas suggested on thousands of WordPress blogs. And we give you speed alternatives.
Includes important tips for mobile speed without coding.
33 pp, 1.6M, 8.5 x 11 inches, PDF download.
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… having read your book and browsed your site I had installed pretty much every plugin that you warn against using! I’ve spent I don’t know how much money buying plugins … I’ve reassessed the plugin functionality I actually need and struck a line through most that I had installed; the rest I think I can replicate with the lighter versions you’ve educated me about. … I am hugely grateful for the help and advice on your site and in your book: it’s great to know that good things are possible with WordPress on shared hosting!
—Jonathan Westwood, United Kingdom